Communications and Outreach Materials
The outreach materials below were created as a resource for partners. Resources include postcard mailings, infographics, one pagers, and factsheets. They cover several different conservation programs including CRP-SAFE, WREP, and GPGI. Feel free to use these materials for outreach events, social media content, handouts, or landowner mailings. If you would like to use a certain item but need dates or info changed, please reach out and we can change information as needed to fit your communication goals.
- Postcards - Infographics - One Pagers
- Habitat Happenings - Conservation Focused Articles
- Landowner Information
- Wetland Management
Habitat Happenings articles are designed for partner newsletters with a focus on reaching an audience that does not have a direct connection with conservation. Partners are free to use these articles for newsletters or social media content.
Wetland Reserve Enhancement Partnership
Groundwater Recharge Through Wetlands
The following documents cover information that might be useful for landowners. Topics covered include best management practices, RWBJV overviews, and cost-share programs.
Best Management Practices (Full Document)
Resource documents on wetland management can be found here: