Agriculture Conservation Easement Program Update

Agricultural Conservation Easement Program (ACEP) Updates


Missy (Melissa) Baier, Watershed Planning Coordinator, has been selected as the Assistant State Conservationist for Water Resources & Easements effective January 29, 2024. This new position will oversee the multi-discipline watershed team and easement team that we currently have on NRCS staff in Nebraska.

Our conservation easement workload continues to be strong and reaches a wide variety of landscapes, landowners, and partners. Due to the unique and complex nature of NRCS Watershed Programs and Easement Program administration, for the last couple of years it has been a desire of the NRCS Leadership Team to establish and utilize a centralized statewide approach to deliver the services associated with these programs. Doing so will improve consistency, collaboration, and coordination within the conservation partnership to leverage and maximize the resources available to address these high priority resource concerns.

Additionally, NRCS will implement a multi-tiered organizational structure that will include career ladder opportunities, additional supervisory roles, and mentorship responsibilities. This realignment will provide the necessary structure to continue to meet the needs of our customers and partners. With this selection, over the coming months, we will have a smooth transition for our easement team employees to be aligned under this division.

Attached is a map of the NRCS easement staff across Nebraska. If you have sold your land under easement, have plans to sell your land with an easement in the future, or just have a question about how to improve migratory bird habitat on your easement, please notify your NRCS Area Easement Team Leaders.

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